Perhaps, after reading the first part, you now feel knowledgeable and confident enough to write a decorator or two. But you may still have some doubts. Sure, in some very specific situations, using decorators seems like a good solution, but they still feel like a neat little trick instead of a proper tool worthy of being used in very serious production code. Even though many Python standard library decorators are well understood and commonly used, are custom-made decorators easy to read and understand enough? And how about testing? Surely, using a lot of decorators will make testing a nightmare...
I have found these common misconceptions about Python decorators to be more often based on second-hand experience and "common knowledge" than facts. Don't get me wrong; I totally agree that creating complex solutions to simple problems is a real issue in software engineering. But that is more often caused by using the wrong tools for the problem at hand than by the tools themselves being poor. In this article, you will gain a deeper understanding of how Python functions and decorators work. Additionally, you will learn which kind of structures can be replaced by reusable decorators and some aspects to consider when writing tests for code that uses decorators. After reading it, you will be ready to write some production-grade code with decorators!
Diving deeper into the Python data model
Before getting our hands dirty with the real-world use case, let's go through a few more details about decorators and functions in the Python data model. As we already know, in Python, functions are just objects of a specific type called function. Like other Python objects, they also store their data in attributes. Let's create a function and take a look:
def sum_of_two(a, b):
return a + b
If we put parentheses after the function name, we make a function call, executing the code inside the function body:
>>> sum_of_two(1, 2)
This is the most common way function objects are used, and for many programmers and projects, it is
the only way they are ever interacted with. However, it's also possible to access other attributes
of the object using attribute references. For example, the name of the function is stored in the
attribute and can be accessed by placing a period and the attribute name
after the function name:
>>> sum_of_two
<function sum_of_two at 0x7f523cb17280>
>>> sum_of_two.__name__
When a function definition statement (identified by the def
keyword) is executed, the Python
interpreter creates a function object and automatically assigns values to a bunch of attributes.
Even the actual compiled code of the function body is stored in an attribute called __code__
In addition to the data required to execute the function, some metadata, such as the name and
the docstring of the function, is created and stored into the object. All of these attributes are
readable, and most of them can even be changed during the execution of the program.
But why is this important, and what does it have to do with decorators? Most of the time, a decorator actually creates a completely new function that just wraps around the original. When the new function is created, it will also get new attributes created from scratch, regardless of the values of the original function's attributes.
Let's demonstrate:
def hello_decorator(original_func):
def decorated_func(*args, **kwargs):
"""This is the decorated function"""
print("Hello from decorator")
return original_func(*args, **kwargs)
return decorated_func
def sum_of_two(a, b):
"""This function returns the sum of a and b"""
return a + b
Now if we check the name and the docstring of the decorated function, we can see that they match the decorator's inner function instead of the decorated function:
>>> sum_of_two.__name__
>>> sum_of_two.__doc__
'This is the decorated function'
Clearly, this is not the desired outcome. The decorator should extend the functionality of our function, not replace its metadata. This problem can be easily solved: just copy the attributes of the original function to the decorated one, like this:
def hello_decorator(original_func):
def decorated_func(*args, **kwargs):
print("Hello from decorator")
return original_func(*args, **kwargs)
decorated_func.__name__ = original_func.__name__
decorated_func.__doc__ = original_func.__doc__
return decorated_func
Of course, this solution needs to be applied to every decorator you write. Instead of
going through the process of copy-pasting the same lines of code all around the codebase, a
more generic solution would be better. Luckily, this is a problem so common that a solution
is already included in the standard library! We can use @functools.wraps
to copy the metadata
from the original function to the decorated one:
import functools
def hello_decorator(original_func):
def decorated_func(*args, **kwargs):
print("Hello from decorator")
return original_func(*args, **kwargs)
return decorated_func
def sum_of_two(a, b):
"""This function returns the sum of a and b"""
return a + b
Now the attributes of the sum_of_two
function stay unchanged when the decorator is applied:
>>> sum_of_two.__name__
>>> sum_of_two.__doc__
'This function returns the sum of a and b'
So which attributes does the @functools.wraps
decorator copy? Inspecting its source code reveals
that the following properties are copied from the original function:
: the function's docstring__name__
: the function's name__qualname__
: the function's qualified name__module__
: the name of the module the function was defined__dict__
: dictionary storing the object's arbitrary attributes__annotations__
: dictionary containing (type) annotations of parameters
Copying these attributes is enough to make the decorated function look just like the original in
almost every use case. The original version of the function is also stored in an attribute
named __wrapped__
of the decorated function. This can be extremely useful when writing tests
for the function.
Note: Interested in learning more about the Python data model? The official Python language reference explains the data model and call expressions in a detailed but easily approachable manner.
Decorators in action
Most of the time, instead of using a decorator, it's totally possible to just make a couple of function calls or to use a class or some other structure. However, there are some situations where using a decorator can absolutely be the best and most readable way to reuse code.
Consider the following scenario:
You are working with an external API that is not completely stable. Sometimes calling the API fails or times out, but waiting a few seconds and trying exactly the same API call again resolves the issue. This can be solved by simply wrapping the API call in a loop and retrying it every time an exception is raised until a limit of maximum tries is reached or the call succeeds:
import time
def fetch_data():
current_try = 0
while True:
return call_external_api()
except Exception as error:
current_try += 1
if current_try == MAX_TRIES:
raise error
This solution works just fine, but it's not very reusable. If you have multiple functions where you need to call external APIs, you have to copy-paste the same structure into each function. You would also need to test that the retry functionality works correctly in each of the functions separately. A better solution would be to apply a retry decorator to each of the functions. Here's an implementation of a retry decorator:
import time
import functools
def retry(max_tries=5, wait_seconds=3):
def decorator(original_func):
def decorated_func(*args, **kwargs):
current_try = 0
while True:
return original_func(*args, **kwargs)
except Exception as error:
current_try += 1
if current_try == max_tries:
raise error
return decorated_func
return decorator
def fetch_data():
return call_external_api()
def fetch_more_data():
return call_other_external_api()
Note how using a decorator also allows us to easily parametrize the retry functionality! The decorator is quite useful already, but is it ready to be used in a serious production application? The function is now always executed again if any error occurs, which seems a bit too aggressive. For example, when calling an HTTP API, it would be better to retry only if a server error occurs: if the error is caused by the client (that's our code!), then it makes no sense to try again.
Let's implement a more specialized decorator for retrying functions that make HTTP requests using the popular requests library:
import time
import functools
from requests import HTTPError
def retry_http(max_tries=5, wait_seconds=3, http_codes=[500, 502, 503, 504]):
def decorator(original_func):
def decorated_func(*args, **kwargs):
current_try = 0
while True:
return original_func(*args, **kwargs)
except HTTPError as error:
current_try += 1
code = error.response.status_code
if current_try == max_tries or code not in http_codes:
raise error
return decorated_func
return decorator
Now, if the decorated function raises an HTTPError
, the decorator code will check if the HTTP response
status code is Internal Server Error, Bad Gateway, Service Unavailable, or Gateway Timeout, and
if so, will try to execute the function again. Here's a function that uses the requests
library to fetch
data from an HTTP API:
import requests
def fetch_data():
response = requests.get("api-endpoint-url")
return response.content
Please note that requests.get
does not raise exceptions on non-success HTTP status codes by default;
you have to manually call the raise_for_status
method to check if the request was successful or not.
This is a bit problematic because the decorated function is responsible for implementing that call.
If the call is omitted, the retry functionality will not work. We'll get back to how to solve this
issue later.
Simplify your tests with decorators
In my experience, contrary to popular belief, using decorators can often make testing your code a lot easier. According to the principles of unit testing, code should be tested by isolating the smallest possible units of code (most commonly functions, classes, and methods) and validating the correctness of each unit separately. Moving logic from functions to decorators allows you to test the functions and the decorators separately. And it's definitely easier to write comprehensive tests for a small and simple unit of code than for a long and complex one.
Let's start by writing tests for the fetch_data
function from the previous section. It's extremely simple,
so we only need to test two things. Firstly, the function should return the content from the HTTP response
if no errors occurred:
from requests import Response
from unittest import mock
def test_fetch_data_returns_response_content():
mock_response = Response()
mock_response.status_code = 200
mock_response._content = "foo"
with mock.patch("requests.get", return_value=mock_response):
assert fetch_data.__wrapped__() == mock_response.content
Because it's a unit test, the fetch_data
function should be tested in total isolation. There should be
no dependencies to external systems or code. That's why the requests.get
function needs to be replaced
with a mock function when running the test. This is done by
calling mock.patch
with return_value
argument containing a hard-coded return value. Please also
note that the test calls the original, non-decorated fetch_data
function. This is possible because the
decorator uses @functools.wraps
, which makes the non-decorated version of the function available through
the __wrapped__
The second thing we need to test is that the function raises an HTTPError
if the HTTP response status
code is an error code. Like in the first test, we replace the requests.get
function with a mock version.
This time the mock should always return a reponse with HTTP 500 code:
import pytest
from requests import HTTPError
def test_fetch_data_raises_on_error_status_code():
mock_response = Response()
mock_response.status_code = 500
with mock.patch("requests.get", return_value=mock_response):
with pytest.raises(HTTPError):
Calling the function within a pytest.raises
context ensures that an exception of the desired type,
, is raised within the block. Otherwise the test fails.
Testing the @retry_http
decorator requires a bit more work. It should meet the following specifications:
- The decorated function should be executed again if and only if the HTTP error code
raised by the function is one of the codes specified in the decorator parameter
- The decorated function should wait the correct amount of time between the executions
- The decorated function should be executed again the correct number of times
Let's start with the last one:
import pytest
from unittest import mock
from requests import HTTPError, Response
mock_response = Response()
mock_response.status_code = 500
def test_retry_http_correct_try_count():
max_tries = 10
func = mock.Mock(side_effect=HTTPError(response=mock_response))
decorated_func = retry_http(max_tries=max_tries)(func)
with pytest.raises(HTTPError):
assert func.call_count == max_tries
First, we create a mock function using the Mock
class that always throws an HTTPError
with status code 500.
Then we decorate the function with the @retry_http
decorator. Note that the decorator has to be applied
using regular function call syntax instead of decorator syntax. This is because the function is not
created using the def
keyword, so decorator syntax can't be used. After applying the decorator,
we call the function, expecting an HTTPError
to be raised. Finally, we check that our mock function
was called the correct number of times using call_count
, a property provided by the Mock
The test works, but it takes 30 seconds to run! That is, of course, caused by the wait between retries.
Because we are writing a unit test, we should also replace the time.sleep
function with a mock object:
def test_retry_http_correct_try_count(mock_sleep):
max_tries = 10
func = mock.Mock(side_effect=HTTPError(response=mock_response))
decorated_func = retry_http(max_tries=max_tries)(func)
with pytest.raises(HTTPError):
assert func.call_count == max_tries
Now the test works correctly and only takes a few milliseconds to run! Let's move on to validating the second part of our specification:
def test_retry_http_correct_sleep_length(mock_sleep):
wait_seconds = 10
func = mock.Mock(side_effect=HTTPError(response=mock_response))
decorated_func = retry_http(wait_seconds=wait_seconds)(func)
with pytest.raises(HTTPError):
for call in mock_sleep.mock_calls:
assert call.args == (wait_seconds,)
It is enough to assert that time.sleep
was called with the correct arguments: a unit test for our
decorator function should not be responsible for validating that a function it depends on works correctly.
The first item in the specification can be validated similarly to the other ones:
def test_retry_http_correct_code(mock_sleep):
http_codes = [500]
func = mock.Mock(side_effect=HTTPError(response=mock_response))
decorated_func = retry_http(http_codes=http_codes)(func)
with pytest.raises(HTTPError):
assert func.call_count > 1
def test_retry_http_incorrect_code(mock_sleep):
http_codes = [502]
func = mock.Mock(side_effect=HTTPError(response=mock_response))
decorated_func = retry_http(http_codes=http_codes)(func)
with pytest.raises(HTTPError):
assert func.call_count == 1
Now we have a reasonable test suite that can be used to verify that our retry decorator and the function fetching data from an external API work as expected. Is this good enough to be used in a real production application? Well, that, of course, depends on the application. But generally, I would say yes, it is.
Note: The test code in this section is written for the pytest testing framework, but the same principles can be applied to most other testing frameworks and tools too.
Unleashing the synergy between decorators and monkey patching
Even though our code could be considered ready for production already, there is still a flaw in the
decorator that opens up the possibility for errors or unexpected behavior:
every time we make an HTTP request with requests
, we have to remember to manually call
. Otherwise, no HTTPError
is raised, and the retry logic won't execute.
One way to solve the issue would be to create wrappers for the HTTP request functions and
use those instead of the original ones. But this solution would create another very similar problem:
the programmer implementing new API calls would need to know about the wrapped
functions and remember to use them. To minimize the possibility of a mistake, every HTTP
request made inside a function decorated with @http_retry
should always be automatically
followed by a raise_for_status
Monkey patching to the rescue! It's a technique that can be used to alter the behavior
of existing code dynamically, most commonly used to patch existing third-party code. The description
might sound complicated but in our case, it's very simple. For example, we can replace the built-in
function with a different implementation just by assigning a new value to it using the =
def better_print(*args, **kwargs):
print("[BETTER PRINT]", *args, **kwargs)
print = better_print
Let's try it out:
>>> print("Hello world!")
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "<stdin>", line 2, in better_print
File "<stdin>", line 2, in better_print
File "<stdin>", line 2, in better_print
[Previous line repeated 996 more times]
RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded
The code crashes when better_print
is executed: the name print
in the global
scope is already bound to the function itself, which leads to infinite recursion. We
can solve this issue by binding another name to the original print
function and using it
inside our new function like this:
original_print = print
def better_print(*args, **kwargs):
original_print("[BETTER PRINT]", *args, **kwargs)
print = better_print
Now when we call print
, the output is prefixed as expected:
>>> print("Hello World!")
[BETTER PRINT] Hello World!
Note: Name resolution in Python always tries to find the name in the nearest enclosing scope first. If the name is not present in the current scope, the interpreter tries to find it in the next enclosing scope and finally in the global scope.
We can patch functions from the requests
module with the same principle:
import requests
original_get = requests.get
def patched_get(*args, **kwargs):
response = original_get(*args, **kwargs)
return response
requests.get = patched_get
Now if we make an HTTP request using requests.get
that returns an error code,
an HTTPError
will be automatically raised:
>>> requests.get("endpoint-with-error")
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "<stdin>", line 3, in patched_get
File "/lib/python3.10/site-packages/requests/models.py", line 1021, in raise_for_status
raise HTTPError(http_error_msg, response=self)
requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 500 Server Error: INTERNAL SERVER ERROR for url: endpoint-with-error
To avoid confusion, we should ensure that our monkey patch is enabled only during the execution of the decorated function. This can be achieved with the following steps:
- When execution of the decorated function starts, apply the monkey patch
- Execute the decorated function
- Revert the monkey patch
- Return the result from the decorated function
Let's implement a new decorator @patch_requests
to perform these steps:
import requests
import functools
original_get = requests.get
def patched_get(*args, **kwargs):
response = original_get(*args, **kwargs)
return response
def patch_requests(original_func):
def decorated_func(*args, **kwargs):
requests.get = patched_get
result = original_func(*args, **kwargs)
requests.get = original_get
return result
return decorated_func
Now we can apply the new decorator to our fetch_data
function and omit the raise_for_status
call from the function body:
def fetch_data():
response = requests.get("api-endpoint-url")
return response.content
At first glance, this seems to work correctly. The retry functionality works, and the function raises the correct exceptions without explicitly checking the response status code. But monkey patching can be tricky! Raising an exception interrupts the normal flow of execution and returns from the function. This means that the monkey patch will not get reverted, possibly causing catastrophic side effects elsewhere in the codebase. Let's fix the problem using a try-finally block:
def patch_requests(original_func):
def decorated_func(*args, **kwargs):
requests.get = patched_get
result = original_func(*args, **kwargs)
return result
requests.get = original_get
return decorated_func
Looking pretty good! The finally block ensures that the patch always gets reverted, even if
something unexpected happens. Now, let's combine it with the retry decorator. We want to ensure
that HTTP error codes always raise an exception when using the retry decorator. Instead of
copy-pasting the code from @patch_requests
to @retry_http
and creating a single, larger,
and more complex decorator, we can just make the former apply the latter. Here's the complete code
for the decorators:
import requests
import time
import functools
from requests import HTTPError
original_get = requests.get
def patched_get(*args, **kwargs):
response = original_get(*args, **kwargs)
return response
def patch_requests(original_func):
def decorated_func(*args, **kwargs):
requests.get = patched_get
result = original_func(*args, **kwargs)
return result
requests.get = original_get
return decorated_func
def retry_http(max_tries=5, wait_seconds=3, http_codes=[500, 502, 503, 504]):
def decorator(original_func):
def decorated_func(*args, **kwargs):
current_try = 0
while True:
return original_func(*args, **kwargs)
except HTTPError as error:
current_try += 1
code = error.response.status_code
if current_try == max_tries or code not in http_codes:
raise error
return decorated_func
return decorator
And here's the code of the function:
def fetch_data():
response = requests.get("api-endpoint-url")
return response.content
All done! With this solution, calling unstable external APIs with requests
should be
a lot more reliable. Of course, a similar solution can be useful for any operation that is
not guaranteed to succeed all the time.
Note: Monkey patching is usually considered a very bad practice. When done carelessly, it can cause a lot of confusion and bugs and make the code difficult to follow in general. However, in my opinion, some cases like the example above can benefit a lot from monkey patching. It's a powerful tool that gives you a lot of flexibility without the need to create many abstractions. Also, using it together with decorators can help you avoid the worst issues by limiting the scope in which the monkey patch is applied.
Another note: In this example, only the
function fromrequests
is patched. For real-world use, you probably want to patch the functions for other HTTP verbs too.
By gaining a deeper understanding of how decorators and functions work in Python, you can leverage their capabilities to write easily readable, maintainable, and reusable code. Decorators can be especially useful in cases where other structures do not allow reusing code easily without creating heavy abstractions. Despite common misconceptions about their complexity, decorators can actually simplify the testing process by allowing you to split your code into smaller units. Happy decorating!